#10 Heartbreak

When did you last have your heart broken?

Whether through the end of a creative work, a relationship, or the end of a phase of your own life, it hurts, and it has the potential to derail us when not consciously acknowledged and worked with.

How do we move through loss in a way that enables us to still direct our lives to where we want to go, without becoming victim to the powerful forces within us? Even more, how shall we let these parts of us speak so that we further integrate into a whole, rather than fracture into isolate parts?

In this episode, I begin with my own heartbreak. How the end of something calls us to let all the parts of us have their place at the table of our full self. And I offer two ritual practices that support these hurt parts of us being heard, so that we integrate rather than exhile and suppress the parts of us that need to speak, feel and be welcomed.


#11 Business


# 9 Tricia and Me